Bus, Ferry from Krabi to Koh Tao

Bus, Ferry from Krabi to Koh Tao


The cheapest trip from Krabi to Koh Tao

by Bus + Ferry from


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820 THB

by Minibus + Ferry from


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950 THB
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Find tickets at the best price by comparing trips operate by Chaokoh Krabi, Lomprayah, Songserm . And get extra discount when you book more trips.

Find tickets at the best price by comparing trips operate by Chaokoh Krabi, Lomprayah, Songserm . And get extra discount when you book more trips.

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Krabi to Koh Tao Travel Information

Bus and ferry from Krabi to Koh Tao every day from early morning to late afternoon. With the choice of three most reliable transport companies: Chaokoh, Lomprayah High-Speed catamaran and Songserm. The fastest route takes only 6 hours 45 minutes and the cheapest price starts from 813 THB.

The best diving spots, the biggest number of diving schools and the most qualified dive instructors that what Koh Tao is famous for. For this but not only. You have probably seen these gorgeous pictures on the top of the hill with two split islands, amazing colours of water, white sand walk and perfectly covered in green surroundings. Yes, that is all Koh Tao. The Tao island isn’t big, so if you are afraid of renting a scooter, you can easily move around the area you stay or catch a taxi which is not overpriced here. But if you can handle a scooter and hop on it to discover the island, the perfect paradise may turn into a real Indiana Jones movie. Here all the curvy roads, leading to hidden rocky empty beaches where you can stay all by yourself or jump from one bar to another checking on a beautiful nightlife that has its own charm here on Koh Tao. What you should definitely do here, is to explore numerous cafes, bars and restaurants and maybe find a real Latino party! The food here is incredibly good, especially if you enjoy fresh seafood and coffee here is better than anywhere in Thailand! The island is very international due to more than 60 diving schools where you can get your PADI Open Water, Advanced or even Scuba diving instructor certificates. The blending of the beauty of the island, breathtaking underwater life and the perception from different cultures made Koh Tao special! People in the island are very conscious and mindful about what is going on here, that’s why, have fun and maybe participate in beach cleanups and resist the plastic usage as that what you get inspired with while arriving here!

Fastest trip
6 hours 45 minutes
Cheapest ticket
820 THB
246 Kilometres
Trip per day
4 trips per day
Earliest trip at
Latest trip at
Transport operators
3 operators including
  • Chaokoh Krabi
  • Lomprayah
  • Songserm

Transport Operators of This Route

Travellers impressions of Krabi to Koh Tao route

From 3 reviews



Travel to Koh Tao

Krabi to Koh Tao

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